The Save files are stored in users AppData folders: As with always, it is harder to figure out how to create things from thin air than to change existing things. The class attribute should be familiar to those who know HTML.

The names are generally quite descriptive, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out the purpose of things and how to change them. and serve the same purpose, but they are numbers. Be sure to change it if you duplicate a thing. It might be referred to several times in the file. This contains a string of the unique identifier of a thing. A donkey, on the other hand, starts with a def containing "Donkey" in the section that describes pawns. For example, an element needs > li.Need_Food > def (in CSS selector syntax) has the value "Food", explaining that the data is about need for food. "def" contains a single string that refers to some item or property. It can have many different meanings depending on what the element surrounding it is. As in HTML, this simply stands for a "list item". Important elements You will notice that "li" appears a lot in the save file.